Is Doing Nothing A Good Use Of Your Time?

Hustle culture is at an all time high in modern society. At a young age, we’re pushed into various sports and activities, and to compete for a spot in a good university we need stellar extracurriculars, volunteer hours, and honors. Our youth is filled with these activities that start out as fun and enticing, then the reality starts to set into the adult brain- that this is just life. We have to constantly keep doing, keep pushing, and keep busy. This also bleeds into our adult life as the need for several sources of income is now essential in not only keeping up a savings account, but building wealth for our future familial generations. This hustle culture is so focused on always keeping busy and fails to recognize the need for our bodies and minds to rest. Especially with the recent spike of mental health issues due to the recent pandemic that have caused suicide rates to increse, the need for rest is crucial. Now this is not to say that hustle culture isn’t completely valid and successful, because it is. Minorities with historically low wealth rates are participating the most in this, and that’s something to be spoken about. They are the group with lack of access to psychological healthcare workers which puts them at the risk of the burnout that comes with always doing something.  

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